Restoration Dental offers high-quality, long-lasting dental care for patients of all ages. We encourage you to contact our office if you have any questions about our available services, concerns or emergencies regarding your dental health, or to schedule an appointment with our family dentist in Huntington Woods. We look forward to meeting you and starting your dental journey!
Restoration Dental
25865 West 12 Mile Road
Suite C109
Southfield, MI 48034
Phone: (248) 356-6464

- General Dentistry
- Dental Cleanings
- Dental Exams and X-Rays
- Composite Fillings
- Root Canal Therapy
- Tooth Extractions
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Porcelain Crowns
- Teeth Whitening
- Dental Bridges
- Dental Veneers
- Dental Bonding
- Dental Inlays and Onlays
- Advanced Dentistry
- Dental Implants
- Invisalign
- Fast Braces
- Botox Fillers
Fill out the contact form below and we will respond as soon as possible. By filling out this form, I consent to receive text messages, emails, and/or phone calls from this office.
Appointment request
Need an appointment with a dentist in Southfield ? Requesting an
appointment at our Southfield, MI family and cosmetic dental office is now easier than ever.
Fill out the form below and we'll contact you to find a time that fits your schedule.
Start your journey towards a beautiful smile with us today!
Restoration Dental | 25865 West 12 Mile Road, Suite C109, Southfield, MI 48034 | (248) 356-6464 |

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